ティディム チン ゴ ノ テキヨウ コウブン


学術論文Academic articlesTiddim Chin, also known as Tedim Chin( ISO 639-3: ctd), is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken primarily in the border areas of Myanmar and India. The language employs various derivational processes to increase the valence of verbs, notably the use of applicatives, which introduce an additional argument into underlying intransitive or transitive clauses. This paper examines three productive applicative markers essential to Tiddim Chin: the benefactive suffix -sak³, the comitative suffix -piʔ³, and the relinquitive suffix -san³. A systematic analysis of those markers elucidates their crucial role and morphosyntactic properties in facilitating the formation of applicative constructions in the language. With those findings, the paper contributes to clarifying Tiddim Chinʼs unique structural intricacies

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