Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders with arthritis screening in Tanzania: New insights into the growing clinical, economic and societal burden of non-communicable disease


» Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders represent a significant global disability burden which the World Health Organisation expect will increase in coming years » Tanzania’s Strategic Plan for tackling non-communicable diseases (NCDs) does not currently include MSK disorders, yet they pose a significant health and economic burden to Tanzanian society » Arthritis is common, but very few people receive a formal diagnosis and even fewer are treated; this lack of prevention and treatment in Tanzania can lead to avoidable lifelong deformity, disability and detrimental economic impacts for those affected. » The Tanzanian Government should consider MSK disorders as part of the growing NCD burden in Tanzania. We recommend the following: - l Increasing awareness of MSK health within communities l Improving awareness of MSK disorders and skills training at primary healthcare facilities l Investing in a clinical capacity for diagnosing and managing MSK disorders l Developing guidelines for referral pathways and treatment for many forms of arthritis in Tanzani

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