
Applied ecology is a science that manages ecosystems including conservation, harvesting and animal and plant control. Environmental attitudes of secondary school students include their psychological tendency towards the environment. The study concentrates on secondary school students in the Košice Region, in Slovakia. Using Google Forms a questionnaire was delivered to 1,012 secondary school students from the mentioned region. From the participants 59.3% were female and 40.7% were male students. The most numerous age category was 17-year-old secondary school students. 76.6% were students at a secondary school with a general certificate of secondary education (GCSE), 22.1% at a grammar school and 1.3% at a secondary school without a GCSE. Based on the results of the questionnaire most students are interested in the quality of the environment on average and there is no student absolutely not interested in the quality of the environment regardless of the school type. No students, regardless of the school type, consider there is absolutely no impact of all anthropogenic activities on the quality of the environment. As to the assessment of environmental quality in the place of permanent residence and the knowledge of drinking water quality there is no conformity depending on the type of school. The most students save water on average regardless of the school type. There are no students definitely not saving energy in their households, but there is no compliance on saving energy in the households depending on the type of school. There are no students definitely not separating waste in their households and only a few students that rather not separate waste but most students definitely separate waste regardless of the school type

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