Određivanje referentnih cijena lijekova je jedna od mjere snižavanja cijena lijekova i kontrole rasta zdravstvene potrošnje. Uporabom zdravstvenoinformacijskog sustava napravljena je usporedba modela određivanja referentnih cijena lijekova na ATK razini III-V i modela određivanja referentnih cijena lijekova na ATK razini V kako bi se prikazali mogući financijski učinci provedbe jednog ili drugog modela određivanja referentnih cijena lijekova. Prikazana je korisnost primjene zdravstveno informacijskog sustava u svakodnevnom radu u procesu donošenje odluka vezano uz odabir modela određivanja referentnih cijena lijekova. Primjenom modela određivanja referentnih cijena lijekova na ATK razini III-V moguće je postići veću uštedu u odnosu na model određivanja referentnih cijena lijekova na ATK razini V.A determination of referent prices of drugs is one of measures of the pharmaceutical
costs reduction and control of total health costs. In order to present financial effects of the
application of the model of reference price system at the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
Classification System (ATC) III-V level and the model of reference price system at ATC V
level, a comparative analysis of those two models has been performed using health
information system.
In Croatia, the model of reference price system at ATC III-V level has been
applied. For the model of reference price system at ATC III-V level, applied in 2012, a
comparative model of reference price system at ATC V level has been performed. Those two
models have been compared based on the financial benefits projection related to their
application. Financial benefits projection has been made based on the drug expenditure in the
year that preceded a price referencing year.
Financing benefits projection using the model of reference price system at ATC III -V level has been estimated on 318.398.149,58 kuna, whereas financing benefits projection
using the model of reference price system at ATC V level has been estimated on
254.451.262,30 kuna.
Benefits of the use of health information system in a reference price system,
related to selection of the best price referencing model, have been presented. Financial
benefits using the price referencing system model on the ATC III-V level seemed to be
greater than using the price referencing system model on the ATC V level