Bias correction of regional climate model outputs: statistical transformations of precipitation series from the climate model ALADIN in the project PERUN


The outputs of regional climate models are biased. Regarding the bias correction of outputs from a climate model, the two fundamental approaches exist. First approach (e.g., Delta change method) gets the information on climate signal from comparison of the model control and future periods. Such information (change factor) is then applied to modify the observational data. Bias correction method gets the information on model bias from comparison of observational data and model outputs for the control period. The model outputs for future period are than corrected using this information on the model bias. This contribution is focused on the possibilities for bias correction of the model ALADIN (CNRM-ESM2-1) in the project PERUN and the precipitation series in daily time step for SSP5-8.5 scenario. Different statistical transformations are compared: methods based on statistical distribution, parametric transformations and non-parametric transformations (empirical quantiles method).\

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