Statistical techniques for automating the detection of anomalous performance in rotating machinery


Surveillance techniques which extend the sophistication existing in automated systems monitoring in industrial rotating equipment are described. The monitoring system automatically established limiting criteria during an initial learning period of a few days; and subsequently, while monitoring the test rotor during an extended period of normal operation, experienced a false alarm rate of 0.5%. At the same time, the monitoring system successfully detected all fault types that introduced into the test setup. Tests on real equipment are needed to provide final verification of the monitoring techniques. There are areas that would profit from additional investigation in the laboratory environment. A comparison of the relative value of alternate descriptors under given fault conditions would be worthwhile. This should be pursued in conjunction with extending the set of fault types available, e.g., lecaring problems. Other tests should examine the effects of using fewer (more coarse) intervals to define the lumped operational states. finally, techniques to diagnose the most probable fault should be developed by drawing upon the extensive data automatically logged by the monitoring system

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