Fast-neutron capture cross sections of importance in technological applications. [Review]


The importance of the capture cross section of the major fertile nuclei, /sup 238/U and /sup 232/Th, leads to the consideration of these data. The /sup 238/U (n,..gamma..) cross section is considered of priority as it is part of the /sup 238/U-/sup 239/Pu cycle. Experimental techniques used in the measurements of these data are considered. Data measured more recently are compared with provisions made for the possible explanations of differing results. It is concluded that the /sup 238/U (n,..gamma..) cross section is known with approx. 5% above 10 keV and fulfills the uncertainty limit for this cross section set to achieve design accuracy for k/sub eff/ and the breeding ratio above 500 keV. Below 500 keV, the present uncertainty falls short of the required 1.5 to 3.0% uncertainty. Specific recommendations are made to resolve existing discrepancies and data uncertainties. 84 references

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