The Implementation of Kaizen in the Medical Doctor Study Program


The improvement of education quality is crucial in increasing the human resources. The Kaizen model implementation has successfully made the Airlangga University Medical Study Program to improve its education quality. It can be seen from the achievement gotten where this study program got the An Accreditation from the National Higher Education Accreditation Institution. An understanding of the Kaizen model implementation to increase education quality is an important thing. It is because nowadays there are still a lot of study programs at the Indonesian University which are unable to get the An Accreditation. That is why; this research is done to know the implementation of the Kaizen model in the quality management of Airlangga University Medical Study Program. This research follows the case study research method. The data were collected by using the observation technique, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data would be analyzed qualitatively by using an interactive analysis. The result of this research showed that the Kaizen approach implementation is based on several basic principles. It is done in several segments and also done based on some basic concepts. The discussion about that research result is explained in more detail in this research. It is hoped that this research result can be used as one of the alternative models in doing the quality assurance for a study program which wants to increase its accreditation mark to the A-one

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