We show that for a large subclass of Argyres-Douglas-type theories, the Higgs
branch admits multiple hyperkahler quotient realizations as Higgs branches of
three dimensional N=4 quiver gauge theories, which are related by a
sequence of Seiberg-like IR dualities. We refer to this phenomenon as the
Hyperkahler Quotient N-ality of the four dimensional Higgs branch. The
associated set of 3d theories contains a special subset of maximal unitary
quivers: quiver gauge theories for which the resolution/deformation parameters
of the Higgs branch are manifest in the Lagrangian as Fayet-Iliopoulas
parameters. Starting from the Type IIB description for a given SCFT, we present
an explicit construction to determine the aforementioned set of 3d quivers,
including the subset of maximal unitary quivers. As a byproduct, we find a
simple method for constructing the three dimensional mirror associated with the
SCFT. We demonstrate the construction for the (Akβ,Akβ) theories of Cecotti,
Neitzke and Vafa, focusing on the cases k=3 and k=4. The associated maximal
unitary quiver is unique up to field redefinitions and turns out to be an
Abelian quiver gauge theory. The three dimensional mirror obtained in this
fashion reproduces the well-known complete graph. In the appendices to the main
paper, we study the quotient N-ality in the closely related family of Dpbβ(SU(N)) SCFTs, for which both the maximal unitary quiver as well as the 3d
mirror turn out to be non-Abelian gauge theories genericallyComment: 10 pages + References + 5 pages. Quiver diagrams are color-code