Documentary novel as the leading genre of literary journalism in 21st century


U ovom radu biće istražen pojam, način stvaranja, razvoj, efekti i relevantnost dokumentarnog romana, kao novog literarno-novinarskog žanra u stvaralaštvu drugog talasa „novog žurnalizma”, nastalog tokom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina XX veka. U radu će biti analizirani dokumentarni romani nastali tokom ere novog žurnalizma, kao i dokumentarni romani pisani tokom 21. veka, nastali u okviru literarnog žurnalizma, gde su kombinovana fakta zajedno sa književnim pripovedanjem. Analizom dela „Niko i ništa u Parizu i Londonu” Džordža Orvela, romana novinarke Lise Tadeo, „Tri žene”, i ispovednog, dokumentarnog romana Orijane Falači, „Pismo nerođenom detetu”, biće pokazan način i postupak pisanja non- fikcijskih književnih dela čiji su osnovi dokumenti kao građa koja je preobražena u skladu sa zahtevima prvorazredne literature. U ovom radu pokazaćemo kako je tokom poslednje decenije XXI veka dokumentarni roman postao vodeći literarni žanr.This paper will explore the concept, method of creation, effects, relevance and development of the documentary novel, as a new literary-journalistic genre in the creation of the second wave of “new journalism”, created during the 60s and 70s of the XX century. The paper will analyze documentary novels created during the era of new journalism, as well as documentary novels written during the 21st century, created within literary journalism, where facts are combined with a narrative characteristic of literature. An analysis of George Orwell’s “Nobody and Nothing in Paris and London”, a novel by journalist Lisa Tadeo, “Three Women”, a confessional, documentary novel by Oriana Fallaci, “Letter to an Unborn Child”, will show the manner and procedure of writing nonfiction literary works based on documents. as material that has been transformed in accordance with the requirements of top literature. In this paper, we will show how during the last decade of the 21st century, the documentary novel became the leading literary genre

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