Hernia diafragmática traumática en pediatría


  Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in pediatricsTrauma isn't often a condition seen in children, especially those ones with an important severity related to acts of interpersonalviolence by individuals of the same age. There are few records and casuistic in this regard, not only about these acts, but alsoabout the condition to describe and the main focus of this writing. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is a particular conditionof a population with high exposure to risky activities in an age group that includes the adult and young adult population. Inthis article, a case example of this particular condition is presented, with relevant details about its evolution and outcome. Keywords. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. Wounds and injuries. Multiple trauma. Pediatrics. Violence.vEl trauma es una condición cada vez más frecuente en la población infantil, sobretodo aquel con una severidad importantey consecuencia de actos de violencia por su mismo grupo etario. Existen pocos registros y casuísticas al respecto, no solo dedichos actos, sino de la condición a describir como centro de enfoque de este escrito. La hernia diafragmática de índoletraumática, es una condición particular de una población con mayor exposición a actividades de riesgo en una franja de edadque incluye la población adulto y adulto joven. Durante el desarrollo del artículo, se presenta un caso ejemplo de estaparticular condición con los detalles pertinentes a la evolución y desenlace. Palabras clave. Hernia diafragmática traumática. Heridas y traumatismos. Traumatismo múltiple. Pediatría. Violencia.   Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in pediatricsTrauma isn't often a condition seen in children, especially those ones with an important severity related to acts of interpersonalviolence by individuals of the same age. There are few records and casuistic in this regard, not only about these acts, but alsoabout the condition to describe and the main focus of this writing. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is a particular conditionof a population with high exposure to risky activities in an age group that includes the adult and young adult population. Inthis article, a case example of this particular condition is presented, with relevant details about its evolution and outcome. Keywords. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. Wounds and injuries. Multiple trauma. Pediatrics. Violence

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