Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP Universitas Pasundan
This subject has the main aim of introducing students to various aspects of society, culture, geography, history, and government, so that they can understand the world around them more comprehensively. Social studies learning is able to make students understand the environment and surrounding phenomena better. Thus, social studies learning needs to be improved. The aim of this research is to improve social studies learning outcomes through the use of crossword and poster media. The research included classroom action which was carried out in two cycles. Data collection techniques use test techniques. Before the treatment a pretest was given and a posttest was given after the treatment. The subjects of this research were 6th grade students at Klaci State Elementary School, Seyegan. The criteria for success in this study is a class average of ≥70. Based on the results of research conducted on the pretest, the class average was 60.70. After getting this, cycle I was carried out and got an average score of 66.25. Even though this result has increased, it still has not reached the research success rate. Researchers carry out evaluations and improvements. In cycle II the average student learning outcome score was 73.25. These results met the criteria for research success, so the research was stopped. Through the combination of crossword media and posters, students not only learn about social studies concepts, but also practice their ability to solve problems, increase vocabulary, and deepen their understanding