We undertook an interlaboratory comparison of techniques used to extract and analyze trapped gases in ice cores. The intercomparison included analyses of standard reference gases and samples of ice from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) site. Concentrations of CO₂, CH₄, the δ¹⁸O of O₂, the δ¹⁵N of N₂, and the O₂/N₂, and Ar/N₂ ratios were measured in air standards and ice core sampries. The standard reference scales for CO₂ and CH₄ were consistent at the ±2% level. The δᴼ²/N₂ and δ¹⁸O of O₂ measurements showed substantial deviations between the two laboratories able to measure these ratios. The deviations are probably related to errors associated with calibration of the working standards. The δᴬʳ/N₂ and δ¹⁵N of N₂ measurements were consistent. Five laboratories analyzed the
CH₄ concentration in a 4.2-m section of the GISP2 ice core. The average of 20 discrete CH₄
measurements was 748±10 parts per billion by volume (ppbv). The standard deviation of these measurements was close to the total analytical uncertainty associated with the measurements. In all cases, those laboratories employing a dry extraction technique determined higher CH₄ values than laboratories using a wet extraction technique. The origin of this difference is unclear but may involve uncertainties associated with blank corrections. Analyses of the CO₂ concentration of trapped gases showed extreme variations which cannot be explained by analytical uncertainties alone. Three laboratories measured the [CO₂] on 21 discrete depths yielding an average value of 283±13 parts per million by volume (ppmv). In this case, the standard deviation was roughly a factor of 2 greater than the analytical uncertainties. We believe the variability in the measured [CO₂] results from impurities in the ice which may have compromised the [CO₂] of trapped gases in Greenland ice