A preliminary quantitative mineral resource assessment of undiscovered porphyry copper resources in the Andes mountains of South America


Quantitative information on the probable locations and amounts of undiscovered porphyry copper resources of the world is important to international exploration managers, land-use and environmental planners, economists, and policy makers. The U.S. Geological Survey is organizing and facilitating a cooperative assessment, in collaboration with interested geological surveys and geological organizations, of the likely global distribution, quantity, and quality of selected undiscovered nonfuel mineral resources. This report on undiscovered porphyry copper deposits of the Andes Mountains was produced jointly with the geological surveys of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Peru, and is a summary of the more extensive report (>300 pages) that will be published soon. Reports on undiscovered copper resources of other regions of the world are being prepared and will be followed by assessments of the global undiscovered resources of platinum-group minerals and potash

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