recovery from wet organic wastes can support
economies by creating financial incentives to produce renewable energy
and return nutrients to agriculture. In this study, we characterize
the potential for hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL)-based resource recovery
systems to advance the economic and environmental sustainability of
wastewater sludge, FOG (fats, oils, and grease), food waste, green
waste, and animal manure management through the production of liquid
biofuels (naphtha, diesel), fertilizers (struvite, ammonium sulfate),
and power (heat, electricity). From the waste management perspective,
median costs range from −193 ⋅tonne–1(FOG)to251·tonne–1 (green waste), and
median carbon intensities range from 367 kg CO2 eq·tonne–1 (wastewater sludge) to 769 kg CO2 eq·tonne–1 (green waste). From the fuel production perspective,
the minimum selling price of renewable diesel blendstocks are within
the commercial diesel price range (2.37 to 5.81 $·gal–1) and have a lower carbon intensity than petroleum diesel (101 kg
CO2 eq·MMBTU–1). Finally, through
uncertainty analysis and Monte Carlo filtering, we set specific targets
(i.e., achieve wastewater sludge-to-biocrude yield >0.440) for
future development of hydrothermal waste management system components.
Overall, our work demonstrates the potential of HTL-based resource
recovery systems to reduce the costs and carbon intensity of resource-rich
organic wastes