Menumbuhkan Rasa Profesionalitas Dalam Berwirausaha Untuk Menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia Yang Berkualitas


Improving professionalism in entrepreneurship has become the main focus in creatingquality human resources. Entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business, it's alsoabout developing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that support success in the competitivebusiness world. This paper explores strategies to improve professionalism inentrepreneurship in order to create superior Human Resources. The emphasis onentrepreneurial education is evident effective in improving the quality of Human Resourcesin this sector. Educational programs that integrate theory with practical experience, such asthe independent entrepreneurship program as one of the breakthroughs of the Ministry ofEducation and Culture to create a narrative that has an entrepreneurial spirit, provideopportunities for aspiring employers to develop their skills thoroughly. In addition,collaboration between educational institutions, industry, and government is also key inimproving professionalism in entrepreneurship. With the Independent Entrepreneurshipprogram, there is great hope to improve professionalism in entrepreneurship to create qualityHuman Resources through structured education, cross-sector collaboration, and awareness ofresponsibility social, so as to form a generation of entrepreneurs who are resilient,innovative, and result-oriented that are positive for society and the environment

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