
Shock Interaction Control for Scramjet Cowl Leading Edges


An experimental study was conducted to qualitatively determine the effectiveness of stagnation-region gas injection in protecting a scramjet cowl leading edge from the intense heating produced by Type III and Type IV shock interactions. The model consisted of a two-dimensional leading edge, representative of that of a scramjet cowl. Tests were conducted at a nominal freestream Mach number of 6. Gaseous nitrogen was supersonically injected through the leading-edge nozzles at various mass flux ratios and with the model pitched at angles of 0deg and -20deg relative to the freestream flow. Qualitative data, in the form of focusing and conventional schlieren images, were obtained of the shock interaction patterns. Results indicate that large shock displacements can be achieved and both the Type III and IV interactions can be altered such that the interaction does not impinge on the leading edge surface

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