The Transient Dendritic Solidification Experiment (TDSE)


The study of steady-state dendritic growth has both validated many element of transport phenomena in dendritic growth, and yielded many new insights. Further development in simulation and modeling are needed, as is further understanding of the role of selection or scaling in dendritic growth. The TDSE contributes to the further study of dendritic phenomena by carefully measuring and modeling transient effects on dendritic growth. The major challenge encountered in measuring and analyzing the transient behavior of isothermal dendrites is defining precisely the initial conditions from which or to which the dendrite evolves. Our proposed pressure-mediated TDSE microgravity experiment, obviates this difficulty, because the transient occurs between two well-characterized steady-states, rather than between an ill-defined initial state and the final steady state. The major results expected are unique data on transient behavior that will extend the scientific bounds from the now well-understood thermal effects, and provide insight into interfacial dynamics where open questions remain

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