
Related diversification and R&D intensity dynamics


Using longitudinal data of Spanish manufacturing companies, we study the dynamic, bidirectional relationship between firm research and development (R&D) intensity and corporate diversification in an organic growth setting. Our empirical approach accounts for the different sources of endogeneity. Although we find a positive linear effect of R&D intensity on related diversification, the effect of related diversification on R&D intensity assumes the form of an inverted U. Thus, the effect of related diversification on R&D intensity is positive, but marginally decreases for moderate levels of related diversification. Such an effect can become negative, however, for high levels of related diversification. Additionally, as a consequence of dynamics, the effects after one year are substantially lower than the overall effects that occur over several years.Both authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grants No. ECO2009-11165 and ECO2009-10358Publicad

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