Evaluasi Kinerja Ruas Jalan Menggunakan Aplikasi Vissim Dan Pkji 2014 (Studi Kasus : Kawasan Taman Bukit Gelanggang Kota Dumai)


The Bukit Gelanggang Park area was located in the city of Dumai which has a high level of traffic, so it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the road section to find out how big the degree of saturation and the impact is. The method used in evaluating the performance of roads due to traffic and surrounding developments is using PKJI 2014 and the Vissim Student Version Software application. The results of the analysis using PKJI 2014 obtained a capacity value of 7869 Skr/hour for Jendral Sudirman Road and 5988 Skr/Hour for HR. Soebrantas Road and 6925 Skr/hour for Jalan Raya Bukit Datuk. Of the three roads, the degree of saturation with the highest degree of saturation is on the Bukit Datuk highway, the degree of saturation obtained for the existing conditions is 0.48. This explains that judging from the value of the service level being analyzed, the current does not yet require repairs, either widening or other improvements

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