This report describes an Abaqus UGENS subroutine for geometric and material nonlinear analysis of periodic panels using the first-order shear deformation theory. The structure is modelled with shell elements, as one layer of equivalent mechanical properties. The subroutine modifies the stiffness matrix of each shell element of the mesh separately based on its strain state. It relies on pre-computed stiffness curves that define the ABCD stiffness matrix of a unit cell. By looking at combinations of force and strain, the code interpolates the stiffness curves to calculate equivalent nonlinear stiffness. Complex stress states with different types of nonlinearity occurring simultaneously in the structure can be described. The examples show that the subroutine can deal with nonlinearities such as global buckling, local buckling and post-yield response with good accuracy and low computational cost compared to conventional FEM. The report includes the necessary information to set up the subroutine, including selection and compatibility of software and packages and input file preparation. Web-core sandwich panels are used as example throughout the report; the same principles are valid for any periodic structure. The full implementation is given in Appendix