The strength of a web-core steel sandwich plate is potentially reduced in a corrosive environment. This study is dedicated to the influence of a reduction in the thickness of the plates as a result of general corrosion on sandwich plate buckling strength and first-fibre failure. Two scenarios are investigated in which corrosion reduces the thickness of (a) the outer sides of the face plates and (b) all surfaces, including the core. The laser weld between the face sheets and the core is assumed to be intact. The assumptions are made on the basis of earlier experimental findings. Critical buckling and geometric non-linear analysis are carried out with the finite element method, with the kinematics being represented using two approaches: (1) equivalent single-layer with first-order shear deformation theory, and (2) a three-dimensional model of the actual geometry of the structure, modelled using shell and connector elements. The former is used to identify the effect of corrosion on the stiffness coefficients and, consequently, the buckling strength. The later is used for verification and for stress prediction during post-buckling. A rapid decrease in the buckling strength was found for corrosion affecting the outer sides of the sandwich plate. The decrease in the buckling strength doubled in the case of the diffusion of moisture (water) into the core. The shear-induced secondary bending of the faces was found to affect the first-fibre yield.Peer reviewe