Developing Special Collections of Interest to Local Communities


In the late 1950s, Oregon Technical Institute (OTI) in Klamath Falls, Oregon, was facing an uncertain future in its hometown. The former marine barrack facilities hosting the Institute were at the end of their lifetime and there was an offer to move OTI to Portland or Corvallis. Due in part to the concerted effort of the local community the Institute, now known as the Oregon Institute of Technology or Oregon Tech, is still located in Klamath Falls, on its geothermally heated campus. The Institute continues to maintain connections with the local community as an integral part of the university’s existence. The Special Collections and University Archives strive to strengthen the relationship with local researchers by collecting and preserving materials of vital interest to the local community. This article covers community usage of the Oregon Tech Libraries’ Special Collections: the Shaw Historical Library (SHL), The Klamath Waters Digital Library (KWDL) and the University Archives Geo-Heat Collection (print and digital)

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