Proceeding International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies (ISCIS)
Indonesia is one of the countries that is able to maintain lembaga pendidikan its traditional educational institutions from the touch of modernization. But even so Pesantren still mendapat tantangan face serious challenges from the current modernization. The challenge itu is related to the existence of Pesantren as an institution pencetakthat produces scholars who are faced with the demands kehidupanof global life. With the approach of library research this paper ini can find that the history pof Islamic education is the oldest in Indonesia. Pesantren with traditional Islamic education system, has played a very important role in improving Indonesia's human resources. In its development, Pesantren print religious figures and as the maintainer of Islamic traditions. In addition, Pesantren also developed as a social institution involved in the process of socio-political change in Indonesia. In the political map, Pesantren is often described as a force of pressure (pressure force) and in other situations Pesantren positioned as a force (integrating force) when the country is faced with difficulties dilemma, dokrtin “hubbu al-wathan min al-iman” sacrifice patriotic spirit to the chest of every child of the nation