A contribution to the foundations of the theory of Quasifibration


The concept of quasifibration was invented by Dold and Thom (DT]. May (M2] approached quasifibrations from a new angle, making use of n-equivalences. This dissertation presents a study of the notion of n-equivalences and related types of maps. The first of our two main goals is to prove a result, Theorem 5.1, which generalizes the fundamental theorem (DT; Satz 2.2] by Dold and Thom on globalization of quasifibrations. Secondly we show that by means of adjunction or clutching constructions, this theorem enables us to retrieve the famous results of James (J2; Theorem 1.2 and Theorem 1.3] in his work on suspension of spheres. The results of James appear in the thesis as Theorem 13.8. For some of the applications we need a generalized version of n-equivalence. This generalization entails replacing, in the definition of n-equivalence, the isomorphisms by isomorphisms modulo a suitable Serre class [Se] of abelian groups. For the sake of having the thesis self-contained, we include a formal discussion of localization of 1-connected spaces and Serre classes of abelian groups. This summarizes the scope of the thesis. More detail on the content of the thesis will be given after we have sketched a historical perspective on quasifibrations

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