Valnoctamide and sec-butyl-propylacetamide SPD for acute seizures and status epilepticus


sec-Butyl-propylacetamide (SPD) is a one-carbon homologue of valnoctamide (VCD), a chiral constitutional isomer of valproic acid’s (VPA) corresponding amide valpromide. VCD has a potential in epilepsy including status epilepticus (SE) and neuropathic pain, and is currently being developed for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Both VCD and SPD possess two stereogenic carbons in their chemical structure. SPD possess a unique and broad-spectrum antiseizure profile superior to that of VPA and better than that of VCD. In addition SPD blocked behavioral- and electrographic-SE induced by pilocarpine and soman (organophosphate nerve gas) and afforded in vivo neuroprotection that was associated with cognitive sparing. VCD has similar activity as SPD in the pilocarpine-induced-SE although at higher doses. The activity of SPD and VCD against SE is superior to that of diazepam in terms of rapid onset, potency and ability to block SE when given 20 to 60 min after seizure onset. When administered 20 and 40min after SE onset, SPD (100–174mg/kg) produced long-lasting efficacy (e.g., 4–8hr) against soman-induced convulsive- and electrographic-SE in both rats and guinea pigs. SPD activity in the pilocarpine-and soman-induced SE models when administered 20 to 60 min after seizure onset differentiates SPD from benzodiazepines and all other AEDs

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