'Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi'
Career maturity includes things that cannot be separated in the development stage. students who do not have career maturity will cause obstacles in the development process. Low career maturity results in doubts in determining a career, including both in determining employment and education. Students with a healthy self-concept will have career maturity or career goals. Students who receive family support will have positive thoughts even in difficult situations until they reach career maturity. The family has an important role in providing support for family members, including in terms of increasing understanding of their careers. This study aims to analyze the relationship between self-concept and family support on students' career maturity. The type of research used is library research, collecting data using books, journals and research sources related to the relationship between self-concept and family support on student career maturity. In order for students to achieve career maturity, the counseling teacher or counselor has the role of providing counseling service assistance that suits the needs of students