


This article reveals the problem of the analysis of the main approaches to identifying the methods of evaluation of the enterprise innovation potential and on this basis a method of evaluation of the industrial enterprise innovation potential is proposed. The article raises the issue of revealing the nature of innovation potential as the main indicator of an enterprise innovation susceptibility, and stresses that it should include such important components as manufacturing, finance, information, personnel, scientific and technology transfer. The author emphasizes the fact that in order to improve the innovation capacity of enterprises it is necessary to monitor the innovation potential and its evaluation during the implementation. Analysis of many authors who offer their own methods for assessing the innovation potential of industrial enterprises allows to make the following conclusions: 1. Identification of the managerial functions with the functions of innovation management is erroneous. Therefore, the reunion of indicators of innovative capacity, with those that characterize the results of its use leads to the existence of indicators that do not merely characterize innovation. 2. As soon as all indicators for each component of the innovation potential of enterprises are determined, the innovation potential of each component, taking into account the rating of each indicator is defined. 3. The overall innovation potential of an enterprise is the sum of all the innovation potential of its components, taking into account the rating of each component. 4. For evaluating the innovation potential of industrial enterprises it is necessary to analyze an enterprise accounting to a number of indicators – the innovation potential factors, each of which describes a component of the innovation potential. The author points out that the system of indicators used to assess the innovation potential of enterprises should contain important elements, among which there are the performance of current and future jobs at an enterprise; a comparison of the indicators used to analyze the various enterprises; including the indicators of innovation potential evaluation into all the above-mentioned components; the possibility of coordination with an existing at an enterprise reporting; the minimum cost of collecting and processing information in accordance with the selected system of indicators. In summary, the author proposes to follow a certain sequence in assessing the innovation potential of enterprises, including: 1) analysis of the innovation potential structure with the study of each of its elements on the basis of expert assessments; 2) numerical score of the potential use of each element of the innovation potential through the use of the developed scale; 3) the level of innovation activity of enterprises determining using the integral indicator of innovation capacity; 4) numerical score of innovation risks of each element of the enterprise innovation potential using the developed scale. Thus, the method of innovation potential evaluation, based on the totality of certain components with the use of indicators, which contain important elements, and evaluated in a particular sequence should be used in the creation of an effective mechanism of the innovation potential of the industrial enterprise improvement

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