Trajektorien im akademischen Feld. Organisationspädagogische Analysen des Lernens im Prozess des Promovierens


Anhand von biographischen Interviews mit Promovierenden beschäftigen sich Julia Elven, Jörg Schwarz und Susanne Maria Weber mit „Trajektorien im akademischen Feld“. In organisationspädagogischer Perspektive arbeiten sie nicht nur die Lernprozesse während des Promovierens heraus, sondern verweisen auf das Lernen der Organisation Universität durch die Arbeiten der Promovierenden. Die Autorinnen und der Autor kommen zu dem Schluss, dass das gesamt-organisationale Interesse an den Lernprozessen der Promovierenden zunächst ein eingeschränktes sei. (DIPF/Orig.)This article examines learning in the doctoral phase from the perspective of organizational education. It draws on results from the research project “Trajectories in the Academic Field”, which used a multi-method and multi-perspective qualitative research design to investigate how fitting relations between habitual orientation patterns of emerging researchers and organizational structures of the academic field emerge. The results demonstrate the importance of gaining autonomy for the course of academic careers. But while the concept of autonomy remains blurred in public discourse, the results enable an empirical differentiation into four types of academic autonomy that can be brought together with four types of organizational practices. This enables a complex analysis of the production of fitting relations as a challenge in the doctoral phase. From this perspective, however, it is also important to ask what the organizations gain by promoting emerging researchers: While academic organizations acquire a wide range of specialized knowledge through their doctoral researchers, they paradoxically don’t preserve and use this for themselves. We argue, that this is rather an effect of the academic field, and that this could fundamentally change with the university becoming an organization, hence contributing to a substantial change in the career paths for emerging researchers that has long been demanded from other sides. (DIPF/Orig.

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