New results on asymptotic properties of likelihood estimators with persistent data for small and large T


Data Availability Statement: Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.Copyright © The Author(s) 2023. This paper revisits the panel autoregressive model, with a primary emphasis on the unit-root case. We study a class of misspecified Random effects Maximum Likelihood (mRML) estimators when T is either fixed or large, and N tends to infinity. We show that in the unit-root case, for any fixed value of T, the log-likelihood function of the mRML estimator has a single mode at unity as N→ ∞ . Furthermore, the Hessian matrix of the corresponding log-likelihood function is non-singular, unless the scaled variance of the initial condition is exactly zero. As a result, mRML is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed as N tends to infinity. In the large-T setup, it is shown that mRML is asymptotically equivalent to the bias-corrected FE estimator of Hahn and Kuersteiner (Econometrica 70(4):1639–1657, 2002). Moreover, under certain conditions, its Hessian matrix remains non-singular

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