Performance of Community Water Supply Management towards Designing Water Safety Plan


Potable water is a commodity and basic necessity of life for which metropolitan areas and adjacent areas are to pay. Water from Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) has also become a problem considering the low water supply coming from their sources. Because of El Nino phenomena and other problems of the water system, rationing Metro Manila was implemented. This descriptive study aimed to assess the performance and effectiveness of community water supply management in terms of the quality of water such taste, odor, color, sediments, service and cost and design water safety plan for the community. Purposive sampling was used to determine the participation of the knowledgeable homeowners of Karangalan Village in the province of Rizal. Some interesting insights of the study are: Potable water is the water delivered to the homeowners. However, there are sediments and brownish color observed in the water due to pipe corrosion. In terms of service, the performance of the water system delivered to the homeowners is acceptable based on the volume delivery, accessibility, availability, promptness, and reliability. Homeowners who use potable water are satisfied in terms of its efficiency, effectiveness, user-friendly, promptness and expandability. Water safety plan is an integral part of the whole planning process and helps improve the management of Karangalan village water supply and may be undertaken or updated at any tim

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