Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych
Lithuania has deep traditions in hand-loom weaving. This paper deals with the evaluation and systematisation of North and East Lithuanian hand woven overshot fabrics. This textile heritage has not yet been investigated thoroughly. Investigations of authentic woven fabrics, their patterns, colours as well as weaving technologies are presented with special regard for textile identification, technological analysis and experience of masters. The importance lies in the fact that not only original articles are still extant for Lithuanian rural masters or with their families but the existence of these original works up to now has been undisclosed. In this study textile materials from the last 150 years were investigated. All the data for this research was collected directly from the textile masters during numerous expeditions by the authors in 2013, and in this study we present woven fabrics and weaving traditions as a significant expression of the ethno-cultural identity of an individual and the region.Na Litwie istnieją długie tradycje tkania na krosnach ręcznych. Materiał ten nie był dotychczas starannie badany. Analizowano tkaniny pod względem stosowanych wzorów, kolorystyki, jak również technologii tkackich. Badano tkaniny wyprodukowane w ostatnich 150-ciu latach. Brano pod uwagę tkaniny zbadane na podstawie ankiet przeprowadzonych w terenie. Zwrócono uwagę na zależność wzorów od technologii tkania oraz na występowanie podobnego wzornictwa w krajach sąsiednich a nawet znacznie oddalonych od Litwy