F. Hernández y Juan F. Madrid. Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Biología Celular e Histología
The adrenal glands of lowe r vertebrates
display a notable intermingling between steroidogenic
and chromaffin tissues, which increases from Pisces to
Al'es. As in mammals, adrenal chromaffin cells contain
and release, in addition to catechol amines, serotonin and
several peptides, which may affect the secretory acti vity
of steroidogeni c cells in a paracrine manner. Stimulatory
molec ul es in c lud e se roto nin , arg inin e-va so tocin.
tachykinin s, vasoac ti ve intestinal peptide , pituita ry
adenylate cyclase-acti vating peptide and calcitonin generelated peptide: inhibitory molec ul es are dopamine,
somatotropic hormone-release inhibiting hormone and
ga lanin . Epin ephrine and no repinephrine appe ar to
stimulate steroid sec retion in Aves and to inhibit it in
Pisces, while their ac tion in Amphibia is controversial.
Likewise . atri a l natriureti c peptide exe rts an antisec re ta gog ue ac ti o n in Amphibia and a ma rk ed
secretagogue effe ct in Pisces and Aves. The effects of
opioids (enkephalins and endorphins) have scarcely been
in vesti ga ted a nd th e findin gs obt a ined a re hi g hly
qu esti o nabl e. Compared with the ama zin g ma ss of
in vestigations carried out in mammals, studies in lower
ve rtebrates a re few, and in large part pe rformed in
Amphibia and Al'es. It appears that much further work
has to be done by comparati ve endocrinologists to fully
clari fy the physiolog ica l relevance of th e functi onal
interactions between chromaffin and steroidogeni c cells
in the adrenal glands of lower vertebrates