Size and degeneration increase in herring bodies during aging in hamsters


The hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract of young, adult and aged male hamsters was studied at lateral and ventral regions of hypothalamus by means of electron microscopy. Neurosecretory swelling axons (Herring bodies) were usually found as classically described containing abundant neurosecretory granules, mitochondria, few microtubules and profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in al1 groups of age. However, in aged hamsters, starting at 18-month-old subjects, we observed that the size of some neurosecretory axons was highly increased. Autophagic and degenerative features were seen in the larger ones. These data could suggest abnormal axonal storage or axonal transport blocked during aging. The implications in the role of hypothalamus- neurohypophysial system during aging are discussed

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