A new determination of the space density of classical novae is presented. Comparison of the properties of nova populations in M3 1, the Galaxy and the LMC, permits to set the outburst rate of novae belonging to the disk of the Galaxy to 5±2.5 novae per year and their outburst density to ρout = ρCN/Tβ = .30 (±0.15) × 10-10 pc-3 yr-1. The frequency distribution of absolute magnitudes at minimum of 24 fast galactic novae suggests an accretion of ṡ> = 2.2 × 1O-9 Msun yr-1 which yields an average recurrence time of TR = 2.3 × 1O4 yr. The absolute space density of classical novae in the galactic disk is then estimated to ρCN = 0.7±0.35 × 10-6. A comparison with previous determinations and recent theoretical predictions is also carried out