Polarization of Λ hyperons has been observed in various collision
systems over a wide range of collision energies over the last 50 years since
its discovery in Fermilab in the 70's. The existing experimental and
theoretical techniques were not able to provide a conclusive answer about the
origin of the polarization. In these proceedings, we discuss the possibility to
use a new experimental method which utilizes measurement of
ΛΛˉ, ΛΛ, and ΛˉΛˉ pair
spin-spin correlations. With this new approach, it should be possible to
distinguish if the polarization originates from early stage effects, such as
initial state parton spin correlation, or if it is a final state effect
originating from hadronization. Furthermore we, study the feasibility to
perform this measurement in p+p collisions at s​=200~GeV collected
by STAR in 2012 which should provide sufficient statistics of
ΛΛˉ, ΛΛ, and ΛˉΛˉ
pairs to perform this measurement.Comment: DIS202