Subjective Global Assesment is an Efficent and Easily Taught Method to Assess Nutritional Status


Malnutition in hospitalized patients is a major problem that is frequently underdiagonised. The purpose of this study is to determine whether fourth-year medical students can be taught to perform a nutritional Subjective Global Assesment (SGA). In this study, Fourth-year medical students who have not given any didactic lession on nutritional assesment, were given a didactic session and a bedside demonstration of the SGA. Subsequently, they performed an SGA on unknown patients on the General surgery wards. Similarly, clinical nurses and a physician also performed in SGA on the same patients, independently. Patients were classified into one of the three categories. A well nourished, B: moderately malnourished. C severely malnourished. The assesment performed by students and clinical nurses were compared with the assesments on the physician

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