Nonlinear evolution of linear optimal perturbations of strongly stratified shear layers


The Miles-Howard theorem states that a necessary condition for normal-mode instability in parallel, inviscid, steady stratified shear flows is that the minimum gradient Richardson number, Rig,minRi_{g,min}, is less than 1/4 somewhere in the flow. However, the non-normality of the Navier-Stokes and buoyancy equations may allow for substantial perturbation energy growth at finite times. We calculate numerically the linear optimal perturbations which maximize the perturbation energy gain for a stably stratified shear layer consisting of a hyperbolic tangent velocity distribution with characteristic velocity U0U_{0}^{*} and a uniform stratification with constant buoyancy frequency N0N_{0}^{*}. We vary the bulk Richardson number RibRi_b=N0N_{0}^{*}2^2h2h^{*2}/U0U_{0}^{*}2^2 (corresponding to Rig,minRi_{g,min}) between 0.20 and 0.50 and the Reynolds numbers ReRe=U0U_{0}^{*}hh^{*}/vv^{*} between 1000 and 8000, with the Prandtl number held fixed at PrPr=1. We find the transient growth of non-normal perturbations may be sufficient to trigger strongly nonlinear effects and breakdown into small-scale structures, thereby leading to enhanced dissipation and non-trivial modification of the background flow even in flows where Rig,minRi_{g,min}>1/4. We show that the effects of nonlinearity are more significant for flows with higher ReRe, lower RibRi_b and higher initial perturbation amplitude E0E_0. Enhanced kinetic energy dissipation is observed for higher-ReRe and lower-RibRi_b flows, and the mixing efficiency, quantified here by ϵp\epsilon_p/(ϵp\epsilon_p+ϵk\epsilon_k) where ϵp\epsilon_p is the dissipation rate of density variance and ϵk\epsilon_kis the dissipation rate of kinetic energy, is found to be approximately 0.35 for the most strongly nonlinear cases.EPSR

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