
Double K-shell photoionization of low-Z atoms and He-like ions


We report on the investigation of the photon energy dependence of double 1s photoionization of light atoms and compare the cross sections for hollow atom and He-like ion production. Measurements of the Kα hypersatellite x-ray spectra of Mg, Al, and Si were carried out using the Fribourg high-resolution x-ray spectrometer installed at the ID21 and ID26 beam lines at the ESRF. The double-to-single photoionization cross section ratios were derived as a function of the incident photon beam energy and compared to convergent close-coupling (CCC) calculations for He-like ions. The dynamical electron-electron scattering contribution to the DPI cross-sections was found to be more important for neutral atoms than for the He isoelectronic serie

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