
Endoscopically assisted nerve decompression of rare nerve compression syndromes at the upper extremity


Background: Besides carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, other nerve compression or constriction syndromes exist at the upper extremity. This study was performed to evaluate and summarize our initial experience with endoscopically assisted decompression. Materials and methods: Between January 2011 and March 2012, six patients were endoscopically operated for rare compression or hour-glass-like constriction syndrome. This included eight decompressions: four proximal radial nerve decompressions, and two combined proximal median nerve and anterior interosseus nerve decompressions. Surgical technique and functional outcomes are presented. Results: There were no intraoperative complications in the series. Endoscopy allowed both identifying and removing all the compressive structures. In one case, the proximal radial neuropathy developed for 10years without therapy and a massive hour-glass nerve constriction was observed intraoperatively which led us to perform a concurrent complementary tendon transfer to improve fingers and thumb extension. Excellent results were achieved according to the modified Roles and Maudsley classification in five out of six cases. All but one patient considered the results excellent. The poorest responder developed a CRPS II and refused post-operative physiotherapy. Conclusion: Endoscopically assisted decompression in rare compression syndrome of the upper extremity is highly appreciated by patients and provides excellent functional results. This minimally invasive surgical technique will likely be further described in future clinical studie

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