
Psychological Disturbance Following T-Groups: Relationship between the Eysenck Personality Inventroy and Family/Friends Perceptions


SUMMARY This study assessed the psychologically disturbing effects of sensitivity training. Two different measures of disturbance or distress were used, the Eysenck Personality Inventory (a standardized personality test) and a Behaviour Change questionnaire completed by the participant and his close family and friends. The relationship between the two measures was explored. Participants showed increases in neuroticism as a result of training but this was not confirmed by the participants' family and friends two weeks after the T-group (the most likely period of heightened disturbance from training). In fact, a large number of trainees saw themselves and were seen by their family, friends and children as slightly better able to cope with personal and family problems, more happy, better able to get on with their children and/or significant person/s, and better able to communicat

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