Few particle excitations of NA = 83 isotones 134Sb and 135Te from 248Cm fission


Gamma-ray cascades in the two- and three-valence-particle nuclei 134Sb and 135Te have been studied with Gammasphere using a 248Cm spontaneous fission source. Isotopic assignments were based in part on coincidences with γ rays from complementary Rh and Ru fission partners. The 134Sb and 135Te level schemes have been considerably extended, with placement of many new high-energy g rays; delayed γ-ray coincidences observed across a 0.51-μs yrast isomer in135Te were especially fruitful. The yrast level spectra of both nuclei are interpreted using empirical nucleon-nucleon interactions and compared with the known yrast excitations of their counterparts 210Bi and 211Po

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