To quit or to start? : the effect of e-cigarettes use on smoking traditional cigarettes among young people in Switzerland


The aim of this research was to study trajectories of use ofelectronic cigarettes (EC) over time among youths distinguishing between EC only and dual users (EC + traditional cigarettes) and to Research Poster Symposia / Journal of Adolescent Health 66 (2020) S23eS41S34 assess reasons to use EC. Particularly, we aimed to observe whether ECs were a gateway to traditional cigarettes (TC) and if they effectively helped in quitting smoking. Methods: Data came from the Generation FRee survey, a longitudinal study on youths’lifestyles (15-24 years at baseline[T1]) in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. Participants (N¼1437, mean age 16.7; 51.8% females) were divided at T1 in 4 groups according to their curren tsmoking status: TC-only smokers (N¼378, 26.3%; 51.5% females), EC-only (N¼42, 2.9%; 27.3% females), dual users (N¼97, 6.7%; 39.6% females) and non-smokers (N¼920, 64%; 53.4% females). Additionally, participants in the EC-only and dual groups at T1 reported the reasonsfor EC use. Finally, we determined the trajectories between T1 and T2(2016 and 2017) by observing in which of the 4 categories EC-only anddual users at T1 were at T2

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