Respect Education sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Bullying pada Remaja Usia 11-13 Tahun


Bullying behavior is behavior that is carried out repeatedly by a group of students who have power over weak students and results in displeasure or hurting other students. Cases of bullying often occur in school-age children and sometimes teachers or school authorities are not aware of bullying in their schools. AL - ULUM INTEGRATED ISLAMIC SMP is an educational unit with a junior high school level in Wajak, Kec. Wajak, Kab. Malang, East Java. In the 2021/2022 school year there is 1 study group in each study class with a total of 106 students. Based on the results of interviews with the counseling teacher and the Deputy Head of Curriculum, it was found that there had never been any outreach activities related to respect education to prevent bullying in the school environment. This is one of the factors underlying the holding of respect education counseling at IT AL-ULUM Middle School. The community service method implemented is outreach and counseling with the target of school residents, especially teachers and students of SMP IT AL-ULUM Wajak. Respect education socialization and outreach activities that have been carried out can provide knowledge and understanding to students and teachers at IT AL-ULUM Wajak Middle School. The IT AL-ULUM Middle school school gave a positive response to the respect education counseling conducted by IKIP Budi Utomo. Community service activities in the form of respect education counseling can run smoothly and have a positive impact on IT AL-ULUM Wajak Middle School, especially teachers and students

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