We employ a feed-forward artificial neural network to extrapolate at large
model spaces the results of {\it ab-initio} hypernuclear No-Core Shell Model
calculations for the Ξ separation energy BΞβ of the lightest
hypernuclei, Ξ3βH, Ξ4βH and Ξ4βHe, obtained in
computationally accessible harmonic oscillator basis spaces using chiral
nucleon-nucleon, nucleon-nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon interactions. The
overfitting problem is avoided by enlarging the size of the input dataset and
by introducing a Gaussian noise during the training process of the neural
network. We find that a network with a single hidden layer of eight neurons is
sufficient to extrapolate correctly the value of the Ξ separation
energy to model spaces of size Nmaxβ=100. The results obtained are in
agreement with the experimental data in the case of Ξ3βH and the 0+
state of Ξ4βHe, although they are off of the experiment by about 0.3
MeV for both the 0+ and 1+states of Ξ4βH and the 1+ state of
Ξ4βHe. We find that our results are in excellent agreement with those
obtained using other extrapolation schemes of the No-Core Shell Model
calculations, showing this that an ANN is a reliable method to extrapolate the
results of hypernuclear No-Core Shell Model calculations to large model spaces.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Nuclear