Clinical nutrition of the oncology patient


Rakasta kaheksija je presnovna motnja, ki je povezana s slabšo kakovostjo življenja, slabšim odzivom na zdravljenje, številnejšimi zapleti med zdravljenjem in krajšim preživetjem. Rakasta bolezen je za človeško telo stres, ki mu sledi celoviti nevroendokrini in vnetni odziv. Spremeni se potreba po posameznih hranilih in uporaba hranil, presnovne spremembe so še dodatno poglobijo zaradi zdravljenja. Zato bolniki potrebujejo presnovnim potrebam prilagojeno prehrano. Ta se doseže z opredelitvijo njihovega prehranskega stanja. Prehransko stanje se lahko opredeli s prehranskim presejanjem ali natančnejšo oceno prehranskega stanja, katerega izvede ustrezno izobražen zdravnik, medicinska sestra ali klinični dietetik. S prehransko podporo onkoloških bolnikov preprečujemo podhranjenost bolnikov, katera močno pospeši kahektične procese, z njo poskušamo čim dlje ohranjati funkcionalno mišično maso ter s tem bolnikovo kondicijo in kvaliteto življenja. Prehranska podpora in terapije motenj prehranskega stanja predstavljajo del sodobne multidisciplinarne terapije onkoloških bolnikov, ki se izvaja po modelu vzporednih terapevtskih poti.Cancer cachexia is a metabolic disorder that is associated with a worse quality of life, worse response to treatment, more complications during treatment and shorter survival. Cancer is a stress for the human body, followed by a comprehensive neuroendocrine and inflammatory response. The need for individual nutrients and the use of nutrients change, the metabolic changes are further deepened by the treatment. Therefore, patients need a diet adapted to their metabolic needs. This is achieved by defining their nutritional status. Nutritional status can be determined through nutritional screening or a more accurate assessment of nutritional status performed by an appropriately trained physician, nurse or clinical dietitian. With nutritional support for oncology patients, we prevent malnutrition in patients, which greatly accelerates cachectic processes, and with it we try to maintain functional muscle mass as long as possible and thus the patient\u27s condition and quality of life. Nutritional support and therapies for nutritional status disorders are part of the modern multidisciplinary therapy of oncology patients, which is implemented according to the model of parallel therapeutic pathways

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