Study of Status Anxiety among Librarians of Central Libraries of Public Universities in Tehran


Objective: The purpose of this research is to investigate the status anxiety and its dimensions among librarians of central libraries of public universities in Tehran. Methodology: This research is an applied and survey research. The research sample was the librarians of central libraries of public universities in Tehran of Tehran. A questionnaire was used to collect the data, which includes 65 questions under three individual, organizational, and socio-cultural dimensions. Descriptive and inferential statistics including Friedman test, independent t test, F test, and Pearson correlation test were used to describe and analyze the data. Findings: The findings showed that the level of status anxiety in terms of the individual dimension is higher than the organizational and socio-cultural dimensions. The average of status anxiety is high in the individual dimension and moderate in the organizational and socio-cultural dimensions. In addition, there is no significant difference in the level of status anxiety in terms of gender, age, and professional experience of librarians, and dignity anxiety is experienced by all librarians of central libraries of public universities in Tehran. Conclusion: Since the librarians of university libraries are part of the official system of university education and research and deal with a diverse range of students in different fields, it is desirable to reduce the status anxiety in their profession and to create a sense of value and self-confidence in them. Training librarians to manage their anxiety, providing fair wages and welfare for librarians as best as possible, and introducing the values of the librarianship profession through mass media and social networks, can help to increase self-confidence and reduce the status anxiety of librarians from the individual, organizational, and socio-cultural point of view

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