Pondok Pesantren Kreatif Semi Modern di Kota Malang


The creative economy has recently grown rapidly in Indonesia with a growth of around 5.70% annually. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, the creative economy became a catalyst for Indonesia's economic growth amidst a slowdown in global economic growth. Long before the pandemic, the Government of Indonesia formed the Creative Economy Agency by the President through Perpres No. 6 of 2015 which is the first step. The government launched a creative economy development program and increased innovation and technology as an effort to increase inclusive and sustainable economic growth (Perpres No. 2 of 2015). In the National Creative Economy Development Master Plan (REINDEKREAF/ Rencana Induk Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Nasional) Perpres No. 142 of 2018 there are several parties that can play a role in the development of the creative economy, one of which is an educational institution. The Islamic educational institution that is quite prominent in Indonesia is the Islamic Boarding School. While the reason for choosing Malang City as the planning location is because Malang City occupies the second position (after Surabaya) from the distribution of creative economy actors in East Java, support from the Mayor in the form of Creative Center policies and facilities, and is one of the cities that is familiar with the Islamic education system (Islamic Boarding school)

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