TODDLER Project (2010-2013) Towards Opportunities for Disadvantaged and Diverse Learners on the Early-childhood Road. European Union, Lifelong Learning Programme, Comenius.
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TODDLER Project, Lifelong Learning Programme created opportunities for knowledge transfer and exchange through focusing on the development of provisions for toddlers and investigations of different approaches promoting learning in a child-centred way. Module materials explored strategies and good practice of provision of high-quality education and care for disadvantaged toddlers. A framework created a report on ‘Toddler in Europe the Context’ on ECEC systems and approaches used to support diverse and disadvantaged toddlers. Then explored topic areas of ‘Language Support in Multicultural Settings’, Supporting Wellbeing’ and ‘Enhancing Parental Involvement’ with ‘Educating the Reflective Practitioner’ underpinning all of this.
The module materials were successfully trialled and completed being made available on the TODDLER website as a Course Reader, Course Lecture Materials, and resources. KU led the Report and Case Studies: Promoting the Wellbeing of Toddler’s within the European Union creating an innovative pedagogical approach ‘Reflective Story Boards’ using a description of the context of the strategy followed by photos with explanations and supported with further description /explanation making visible to all stakeholders how educators promote wellbeing for toddlers. The final report highlighted the Reflective Story Boards contribution reaching the goal of showing the educational potential of high quality ECEC (Final Report, 2011)