Osteosarcoma: A clinical radiological pathological study in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda


Purpose: To describe the clinical, radiological and pathological presentation of  osteosarcoma at Mulago Hospital, Kampala-Uganda.Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out between January 1999 and December 2001 at Mulago Hospital. A total of 32 Patients were recruited consecutively during this period. All patients had a clinical examination, plain radigraphs and biopsies of the affected Parts.Results: Thirty-two patients were recruited. The age range was 9-42 yrs with a M: F ratio of 1:1. 87.5% of the lesions were in the appendicular skeleton while 12.5% were in the axial skeleton. The commonest clinical presentation was pain. The commonest radiological presentation was that of a metadiaphyseal mixed density  lesion. The commonest site was the proximal tibia. Histology showed marked pleomorphic osteoblasts with osteoid formation.Conclusion: Osteosarcoma in Mulago hospital has not changed its clinical  radiological and histopathological manifestation over the years. All mixed density lesions located in the metaphysis of long bones at the knee joint in an adolescent with sharp pain should be investigated as Osteosacoma until proven otherwise.Key words: Osteosarcoma, clinical, radiology and histopatholog

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